We’ve had a wonderful summer. This past week was especially busy with swim lessons in the morning and Vacation Bible School in the evenings. The children did not get to bed till past 9:00pm. By Friday, they were so tired that my son, who is always up before the crack of dawn, slept past 9:00 am. 

Earlier in the summer we got tickets to the Charlotte Ballet courtesy of my generous sister in law. It was the kids and I’s first time at the Ballet and our first time watching Swan Lake. Our lives were changed forever. I always thought ballet was just incredible dancing but was blown away to learn that Swan Lake is a deep moving story. We were so enthralled by what we saw on stage that we went home and researched the ballet. Some digging on YouTube revealed a beautiful storyline. And, we discovered that we could watch the ballet as many times as we wanted by incredible companies such as the Royal Ballet (London), or the Bolshoi Ballet (Moscow, Russia) right from our living room. My absolute favorite part of Swan Lake is the dance of the cygnets, if I could dance ballet that’s what I would love to do first 🙂

I also had the honor of being a panelist speaker at the Zawadi Africa conference in Atlanta, GA. Zawadi Africa provides scholarships to academically gifted girls from disadvantaged backgrounds from Africa to pursue higher education in the U.S.A, Uganda, Ghana, South Africa and Kenya.

I shared about my journey as a wife and mother. My growth as a woman in choosing femininity over feminism especially after reading the horrible history and consequences of feminism in Carrie Gress’ End of Woman. Both submitting to a husband’s leadership and homemaking are roles that are minimized in modern culture. I shared my struggles unlearning what I had always believed was my role (and idol) – to be as successful career wise as possible. 

Informally, I also shared how my husband and I have taken the path less traveled by having a more traditional family, using midwives for labor and delivery, and being careful what we put in our children’s bodies. All in all, I was grateful that God gave me the confidence to share my story. I pray that it leads people to Him and to His desire for women – to be wives, and mothers before anything else. I have truly enjoyed my life as a mother and wife and I know my children appreciate the time we have together. I would recommend it to anyone regardless of how we’ve been raised to be feminists who break the glass ceiling. Our families need us and we only have so much time and energy to finish a 40-50 hours a week shift then also be fully there for our families.

This summer we are reading fairy tales. I vaguely knew some of these fairy tales but it has been such a joy reading them with my children. Homeschooling, to me, has been like getting another childhood 🙂 I love the poetry we get to recite and the incredible books we get to read. We use songs to hide God’s Word in our hearts, learn theology in a fun way, and spend time in Nature with family and friends. I went from not knowing what homeschooling is – and still being scared I don’t do enough for my children – to absolutely recommending it for anyone. If you have even the slightest interest in homeschooling,motherhood, wife hood, or authorship please reach out kerubo@kerubowall.com.

Have a happy summer.